OKB MIKRON held a number of business meetings with representatives of executive authorities and business of the Krasnoyarsk region

June was productive for OKB MIKRON for business meetings. One of the meetings was held within the framework of organization of interregional industrial cluster "Machine Building of Siberia" in Krasnoyarsk region. «OKB MIKRON» met with representatives of ANO «Corporation for Development of Yenisei Siberia» and heads of industrial enterprises of the region.

A cluster is a joint activity of companies that produce products and complement each other's activities. Cooperation organized through the cluster, manufacturing of products by several enterprises makes it possible to create, if not cheaper, then higher quality and faster. In addition, the topic is related to the training of personnel providing these productions and, of course, import substitution.

It should be noted that OKB MIKRON is one of the few supporting machine-building enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk region, and participation in the cluster will give us additional opportunities to expand production, develop machine-building and machine-tool construction in the Krasnoyarsk region and the Russian Federation.

Also in June the enterprise was visited for the first time by Maxim Ermakov, Minister of Industry and Trade of Krasnoyarsk Krai, and Larisa Starikova, Head of the State Industrial Development Fund of the Krai. The guests toured the production shops and discussed development plans with the management.

«We are interested in the development of such enterprises as OKB MIKRON, which solve at once many tasks set by the President of the Russian Federation for the Russian industry, and we are ready to provide assistance. I am convinced that for the well-being of the industry and the development of industrial potential, business and government must work in close conjunction», - said Maxim Yermakov.

At the end of the month our plant was also visited by a delegation of top managers of Norilsk Nickel together with a TVK film crew.

The company produces about 10-12% of the total output for Nornickel, and it is mainly rail and mining transportation. Electric locomotives are currently under development. At the meeting, the companies defined further joint cooperation, discussed the possibility of expanding the line of manufactured equipment, as well as the possibility of repairing the supplied equipment.

 «The excursion to the production of OKB MIKRON left us with only positive emotions. People here work calmly, measuredly, and workplaces are in order. Our cooperation is only gaining momentum,» said Alexey Bylkov, First Deputy Director of the Company's Polar Division for Mineral Resource Base Development.