The participants of the Forum were Ivan Tislenko, head of the Terus project, Andrey Miroshnikov, chief engineer, and Dmitry Salov, general director. For several days they discussed possible solutions for the development of green energy and national competencies in the field of technologies of electricity generation and storage, its use in electric transportation and infrastructure. For our company the trip to the Forum became a place to find new useful contacts and an opportunity to interest a wider circle of people in the project.
Special attention to the stand was paid by the students of the Institute, an advanced energy university. Literate and already immersed in the topic, they asked clarifying questions, returning to the layout again and again. They were attracted by the practical ideas of the development. The solutions incorporated in the project are now also known in the largest country in Africa. With the help of an interpreter, Terus engineers told the delegation from Algeria the essence of the Siberian development, with immersion in virtual reality.
"Our exhibition stand is quite unconventional for such places and attracted the attention of those passing by. I liked the fact that there were many students genuinely interested and trying to understand why we chose such technical solutions. The development also aroused the interest of representatives of the scientific community. By the way, from the interesting: several RES systems are installed on the territory of MPEI - solar panels, two solar collectors, simulators of vertical and horizontal wind power plants, driven by an electric drive. All data on generation are summarized in the control center located in the IGVEE laboratory. Here, students are practicing creating software to work in this area. And as it turned out, we are not the only ones interested in thermal energy storage. One of the visitors of the exhibition is engaged in thermal energy storage at the phase transition. However, the composition of the accumulator remained a secret. But we managed to find out that the phase transition temperature of the substance they use is about 300 degrees Celsius", - shared his impressions Andrey Miroshnikov.
Also in early December, a round table "Production of Russian RES equipment on the basis of technological independence" was held in Moscow. The main issues of the event: in which RES generation technologies technological leadership is possible and at the expense of what, what state tools exist to influence and stimulate the development of domestic production of equipment for RES. Dmitry Salov, General Director of our enterprise, was among the speakers:
"We can master all kinds of technologies that are needed for the production of wind power equipment. Our foreign colleagues design manufacturing for existing technologies, while we see no obstacles to redesign components of wind power equipment using our technology. We are going our own way!".