Wind-heat power generation complex (WHG) is an innovative development of OKB MIKRON. Two years ago, we successfully introduced the project at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum, received positive reviews and found persons interested in its development.
In 2019, the work on the project continued. The complex got its own name — Terus. Its website and brand book are under construction. The WHG structure is being filled with in-depth component developments, which affects the initial design model. Continuous testing of the power generator model, the heart of the plant, is conducted. A long-awaited patent for a wind-driven plant has been obtained. On the site of the plant under construction, a ground for the 200 kW power generator installation has been prepared. In addition to WHG, a building will be erected for the assembly and testing workshop with an administrative facility. Currently, the work on foundation preparations is going on.
This year we have significantly expanded the public outreach geography. Ivan Tislenko, project manager, as part of the delegation of the Russian Association of Wind Industry, visited the wind farm under construction in the Republic of Adygea, got acquainted with the developments of colleagues and introduced our innovative idea to the members of the association.
In November, the WHG project by the name Terus was presented at the exhibition and conference called Fuel and Energy Complex of the Murmansk Region, held in Murmansk, as well as to the ALROSA energy specialists at the corporate seminar called ALROSA Power Complex in Mirny. Way to Power Saving. The direct heat generation from wind energy aroused interest among all participants of the meeting.
This year, an agreement was concluded with German Aerodyn for the design of a blade profile. In order to discuss technical issues related to the design of a wind turbine, which is fundamentally different from those used in the world, the OKB MICRON specialists visited the Aerodyn office in Ravensburg, Germany, as well as Fraunhofer, the largest European association of institutes for applied research. In the course of the meeting with representatives of the institute's wind power department focused on testing materials and assembled blades, a trial run of the Terus wind generator blades was discussed.
Terus WHG complex website: