Dear friends, we would like to bring to your attention a video about the transportation and handling of the three heaviest parts of the TITAN super-heavy machine tool that took place at a new industrial site of our plant.
Two portal frames weighing 75 tonnes and a traverse, a movable crossbar, weighing 80 tonnes were being transported for three days from 04.00 a.m. to 04.30 a.m., when the highway traffic was the lowest. The parts were unloaded on the territory of the plant without using a crane. For this purpose, within 10 days, special equipment was developed and manufactured by the OKB Mikron staff. The operation was completed successfully, and as of now, the arrangement of the unloading operations involving the crane-free technology is the fastest and largest technical improvisation of our unanimous team.
We thank all employees of the company for their excellent well-coordinated work and we wish everyone a pleasant viewing!