Before the Machine Builder's Day, OKB MICRON hosted a professional skill competition “The best female workers in the machining shop”. For a month, the employees of the machining department were solving problems, passing tests, and performing practical tasks.
The event took place in two stages. At the first stage, theoretical, production workers solved problems and passed testing. The second and most interesting stage was the practical part. Here, the participants, each at his own machine, gouged the details.
The results of the competition have been announced! Here are the names of the winners of the “Best Female Workers of the Machining Shop” professional skills competition:
"The best in profession - a turner-boring maker" - Galaganov Alexander Vladimirovich;
“Best in the profession - CNC machine operator (16A20 / 1P757)” - Evgeny Gennadievich Topakov;
“The best milling machine operator by profession” - Anatoly Titov;
“The best in the profession - driller” - Anatoly Gennadievich Grishchenko;
"The best in profession - turner" - Odylov Dmitry Alekseevich;
"The best in the profession - CNC machine operator (2E450)" - Mikhail Larionovich Lapukhin.
The second place in the professional competition was won by:
“Best in the profession - CNC machine operator (16A20 / 1P757)” - Evgeny Nikolaevich Aleshkov;
“The best milling machine operator by profession” - Vadim Alekseevich Rozhin;
"The best in profession - turner" - Anatoly N. Asadulin.