Another excursion for students took place at our enterprise: "OKB MIKRON" was visited by 18 sophomores of the Krasnoyarsk industrial and metallurgical technical school.
The guys are mastering welding production, so our specialized workshop was of primary interest to them. Chief welder Andrey Glushach introduced the students to the tasks that specialists are currently working on and equipment.
The students were most impressed by the Fanuc welding robot. For two years of operation, it has become a kind of visiting card of OKB MIKRONwelding production. The robot provides reliability and high quality seam, creates a safe working environment and increases productivity.
At the moment, our company is actively working with students. We not only conduct excursions, but also help students get used to their chosen profession. So, in May, nine students of different directions completed their internship at the plant. These are process engineers, electronics engineers, milling machine operators and quality control department inspectors. In June, business analysts and welders graduated from OKB MIKRON.
The geography of educational institutions is also expanding. Graduates of the Sosnovoborsk Mechanical and Technological and Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic College, the College of Services and Entrepreneurship, Siberian Federal University and many others come to our practice.